Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. As you might've guessed from my last post, I've been a little busy.
But I'm feeling all special today because one of my favorite bloggers, who has a real live blog that people read, pretended to like me enough to not only comment on my sad little blog (something that even my friends who read this thing barely do) but add me as a stalker - I mean friend - on Facebook.
See Jenny? You got Kawasakied; I got Bloggessed. It's the circle of life. Thanks for making me feel validated.
But I'm feeling all special today because one of my favorite bloggers, who has a real live blog that people read, pretended to like me enough to not only comment on my sad little blog (something that even my friends who read this thing barely do) but add me as a stalker - I mean friend - on Facebook.
See Jenny? You got Kawasakied; I got Bloggessed. It's the circle of life. Thanks for making me feel validated.